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Ing. Andres Aliaga

Gerente Comercial - Software -
Profesor de la Universidad del Salvador

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1 Comentario: Marco
14 de Febrero, 2020 · General

Análisis del contenido de imagenes mediante nivel de error

La metodología consiste en tomar una imagen, almacenarla utilizando otro nivel de calidad ( 90%) y calcular la diferencia entre ambas. Las modificaciones, agregados se verán representados como una área brillante dentro de la imagen resultante. El detalle completo puede leerse en el siguiente hipervínculo:

Para obtener el filtrado mediante nivel de error puede utilizarse el software de código abierto Gimp al cual se le debe incorporar un plugin específico para esta evaluación para ello:

1. Descargar GIMP en su versión portable (o instalable).

2. Buscar los archivos de extensión scm dentro de la carpeta de instalación.

3. Abrir la carpeta donde se encuentran todos los archivos scm. En mi caso: C:ProgramasGIMPPortableAppgimpsharegimp.0scripts

4. Copiar el script que se encuentra al final de este artículo, y almacenarlo con el nombre: elsamuko-error-level-analysis.scm. Alternativamente descargar el script del sitio: y modificar la antepenúltima línea con el siguiente texto: SF-ADJUSTMENT _"Quality" '(0.95 0 1 0.05 1 2 0)

5. Copiar el archivo scm generado en el punto 4. y pegarlo en la carpeta relevada en el punto 3. del presente.

6. Iniciar GIMP, abrir la imagen a peritar y luego dirigirse al menú: Imagen > Error Level Analysis

7. Modificar el parámetro calidad y observar las salidas.

Archivo elsamuko-error-level-analysis.scm

; The GIMP -- an image manipulation program
; Copyright (C) 1995 Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis
; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
; (at your option) any later version.
; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
; Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
; Copyright (C) 2010 elsamuko <>
; Explanation from
; Error level analysis shows differing error levels throughout this image, strongly suggesting some form of digital manipulation.
; "Error level analysis (ELA) works by intentionally resaving the image at a known error rate,
; such as 95%, and then computing the difference between the images.
; If there is virtually no change, then the cell has reached its local minima for error at that quality level.
; However, if there is a large amount of change, then the pixels are not at their local minima and are effectively original." 
; -Neal Krawetz, Ph.D. 
(define (elsamuko-error-level-analysis img draw quality filename)
 (let* ((img-tmp 0)
 (img-tmp-2 0)
 (draw-tmp 0)
 (error-layer 0)
 (gimp-image-undo-group-start img)
 ;save image as 70% jpeg
 (set! img-tmp (car (gimp-image-duplicate img)))
 (gimp-image-merge-visible-layers img-tmp EXPAND-AS-NECESSARY)
 (set! draw-tmp (car (gimp-image-get-active-drawable img-tmp)))
 (file-jpeg-save RUN-NONINTERACTIVE img-tmp draw-tmp filename filename quality 0 0 0 "GIMP ELA Temporary Image" 0 0 0 0)
 ;open 70% jpeg, set as diff layer
 (set! draw-tmp (car(gimp-file-load-layer RUN-NONINTERACTIVE img-tmp filename)))
 (gimp-image-add-layer img-tmp draw-tmp -1)
 (gimp-layer-set-mode draw-tmp DIFFERENCE-MODE)
 (file-delete filename)
 ;error layer on top
 (gimp-edit-copy-visible img-tmp)
 (set! error-layer (car (gimp-layer-new-from-visible img-tmp img-tmp "Error Levels") ))
 (gimp-image-add-layer img-tmp error-layer -1) 
 (gimp-levels-stretch error-layer)
 ;(gimp-display-new img-tmp)
 ;add error levels as layer on orig image
 (gimp-edit-copy-visible img-tmp)
 (set! error-layer (car (gimp-layer-new-from-visible img-tmp img "Error Levels") ))
 (gimp-image-add-layer img error-layer -1)
 (gimp-drawable-set-name error-layer "Error Levels")
 ; tidy up
 (gimp-image-delete img-tmp)
 (gimp-image-undo-group-end img)
(script-fu-register "elsamuko-error-level-analysis"
 _"_Error Level Analysis"
 "Error level analysis shows differing error levels throughout this image,
 strongly suggesting some form of digital manipulation. More info here:"
 "elsamuko <>"
 SF-IMAGE "Input image" 0
 SF-DRAWABLE "Input drawable" 0
 SF-ADJUSTMENT _"Quality" '(0.95 0 1 0.05 1 2 0)
 SF-STRING "Temporary File Name" "error-level-analysis-tmp.jpg" 
(script-fu-menu-register "elsamuko-error-level-analysis" _"<Image>/Image")

publicado por andresaliaga a las 18:00 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
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